ERP System Selection

ERP System Selection2025-03-26T15:33:20+00:00

A Business System Selection Specialist you can rely on

Decision-making can be tough at the best of times. You face the decision to choose the right solution to transform your business processes, and you have multiple stakeholders relying on you. Your customers need you to be competitive and productive. Your workforce wants to be proud of what they do, and the spreadsheets and workarounds make life difficult. Here is where we come in.

Gradient Transforming works entirely independently. We like to highlight the fact that we have no allegiances to particular vendors. We do maintain healthy relationships with the leading providers, which gives us an advantage in negotiating the best options for your business. Together with our independence and brigade of experienced and expert consultants, we are here to help you select the best business system software and vendor to suit you and your business requirements.

Why you should work with us


We were established in 1997.


Over 100 years experience across our team.


We work with you, not for any vendor.


Trusted in our field of expertise.

A Roadmap to Success: ERP Specification and Selection

  • Gap Analysis

  • Statement of Requirements Document

  • System Specification Document

  • Vendor Liaison

  • Summary Report

  • Vendor Demonstrations

  • Vendor Workshop

  • Contract Negotiation

How can Gradient help?

No project we work on is the same as the next or the last. We appreciate that every business that chooses to work with us have different requirements. We will take the time to understand how your business works and what problems and issues need to be resolved. Before we do that, if you find yourself asking the following questions or if you can align your business with the statements then it might be time to start the business system selection process with us.

  • We don’t have the resource for a large scale project

  • Our strategy is unclear

  • The last change project we attempted didn’t go to plan

  • I’m unsure how to secure senior buy-in

  • The business processes might be too complex for a new system

  • On-premise or in the cloud?

  • How do we know which system will work best for us?

  • What do we need to do to figure out our system requirements?

  • Who will help lead during the selection process?

  • How will we choose the right vendor to work with?

We’ll help you make an informed decision on choosing the right system:

Contact us or call Gradient now on: +44 (0)1282 463 710

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