Business Systems Health Check

Business Systems Health Check2024-08-08T13:36:11+01:00

Telltale signs it’s time for your business systems to have a Health Check

When you hear the word Health Check, it’s natural to think of a visit to your GP, clinic or hospital for a check up in order to get an overview of your current health.  After various test and examinations, you then get feedback to confirm if all is well or you need to make lifestyle changes or maybe there are some priority issues to pay attention to.  The same can be said for your business information systems.  Over time, unchecked, they can easily become less than fit for purpose.  We want you to understand that your systems will not automatically update to reflect changes in your business.

Neglecting your systems will leave them out of alignment with your overall business strategy and unable to respond to the needs of your customers.

Business Systems Health Check – ensuring your systems are as hard working as you are

Our unique health check has three steps:

  • Step 1: Preparation

    We will carry out a strategic review to gain an understanding of your business, and its challenges and opportunities. Alongside this, a system review will cover licences, modules, upgrades, disaster recovery etc. to give us a full picture of your business. Business systems might typically include ERP, CRM, HR or just Finance.

  • Step 2: Inspection

    Your employees who use the business systems will be invited to complete a comprehensive questionnaire. Although this is comprehensive, it is by no means daunting. The purpose of this exercise is to gather full feedback on how they currently use the software as well as any off-system work that has sprung up.

  • Step 3: Results

    This step focuses on creating a comprehensive report based on the findings from the detailed work in the first two steps. This contains a Gap Analysis between the needs of the business and the setup of the system, with recommendations that deliver a benefit or address identified issues.

Post Health Check we will present you with an action plan detailing the steps needed to ensure your business information systems meet your latest objectives, remove inefficiencies and safeguard your investment.

But most importantly, re-engages your users.

Why you should work with us


We were established in 1997.


Over 100 years' experience across our team.


We work with you, not for any vendor.


Trusted in our field of expertise.

Is it time for a system health check?

As businesses and markets evolve, business systems will start to show signs of diverging from alignment and becomes less and less of a business enabler. Using the latest lean thinking, Gradient’s consultants can help you streamline your processes and working practices and integrate them with your system. Taking a look at the questions and statements below is the start of the process.

  • There is still a reliance on separate bits of software

  • We waste time entering data

  • You’re using a variety of different systems

  • Re-entry of data occurs within my business

  • We ask multiple people for one piece of information

  • How easy is it to know the state of the business?

  • How difficult is it to produce accurate forecasts?

  • Ultimately, could my business be more competitive?

  • Do we have department/function specific databases?

  • Do we have multiple versions of the truth?

We’ll help you make an informed decision:

Contact us or call Gradient now on: +44 (0)1282 463 710

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